
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Bounding of Relations can be wrecked, but how!

Ubqari Magazine - February 2016

Sometimes we ignore our old friends and relatives while developing new bonds and making new friends. But these are the old relatives who help us in our testing times while new relationships do not even bother about our miseries. Therefore, it is imperative for every one of us to not show slackness uderstanding and maintaining relationships.

There come many times in our life when we feel ourselves all alone. We remain tightly knotted to friends and foes lifelong and cannot evade any relation at our own will. We get deeply involved with our relatives and reach the point of no return and spend all our life maintaining these relationships. Whereas time and circumstances keep testifying these relationships now and then. Time gives one chance to realize purity and strength of these relationships. Strong and pure relationships withstand these tests and become stronger while weak relationships break up. Closeness with each other matters a little because sometimes moments spent together are too rich in love and affection; and become a reason for parted people to reconnect after a long time. On the other hand, years spent together may feel like a relationship that is nothing but amongst strangers. People around us partake in completing our lives in different manners. Friends sharing our happy moments increase the pleasure of our happiness manifold and make these moments memorable. But this happiness gets shattered when all of a sudden enemies conspire and usher our worries.

Two factors may find you enemies. First, when your acquaintances or relatives get jealous of your beauty, importance and status; and second when you unintentionally hurt somebody that maybe by saying anything repugnant. Enmity may grow such severe that it may last for generations and kill families. Human being is superior to other creatures by virtue of the knowledge and wisdom he has been blessed with. But our emotions overcome widoma and misguide us recognizing these relationships and instead of mitigating we happen to aggravate the differences. As a result, not only it becomes difficult to handle relationships but impossible and we find ourselves utterly on wrong way. As man grows he gets entangled in a criss cross of relationships where he spends his life trying to play his role effectively in managing these relationships. Sometimes we, owing to circumstances and without any regret, joy, intention feel compelled to change status of such relationships. But relationships survive provided have confidence and trust in foundations. Sometimes we ignore our old friends and relatives while developing new bonds and making new friends. But these are the old relatives who help us in our testing times while new relationships do not even bother about our miseries. Therefore, it is imperative for every one of us to not show slackness uderstanding and maintaining relationships to avoid any void that may develop with the passage of time. Relationships should never be tried for it may produce negativities at the cost of trust and sincerity.

Chain of relationships

Man, instinctively, depends on others to spend life. Everyone establishes relationships according to his needs and requirements which keep on changing with time but worth and importance of blood relations do not fade till last breath. These relationships are the chains our feet remain tied with. These relationships are beneficial for our well being and are called family. Everyone connected to a family fully understands the emotional importance of family because family relationships established on strong foundation play a vital role in our growth and schooling. Family, in fact, is a strong pillar of health and is inevitable for one’s survival in society. Everyone needs attention to grow into an expressive personality that family effectively provides. Family is an institution where everyone completes one’s personality in a familiar environment. Living in a family with different people of different temperament, one does not face difficulty managing relationship with others. Helping others, sharing their problems are the manners family teaches. Family enables one to respect relations and instills confidence and courage. In Psychology it is emphasized that child must feel protection and ownership during its growth so that he may realize the importance of family.

Psychiatrist Susan emphasizes that caring and loving families tie its members with love and affection. Family brings many positve changes in one’s personality which ensure successful life. Withstanding each other in difficult times despite of the petty differences in different matters is the norm that leaves long lasting effect on others. Depth of our emotional growth can be judged by our relationships with family. According to Susan if a family member is worried over certain issue whole family gets ready to resolve his problem. Affectionate behaviour of others bring positive changes and problems get resolved on their own. Mental stress get relieved having talked to the one you have emotional and mental harmony with.

Many religions have emphasized the importance of institution of family. Sometimes family differences turn so worse that one feels compelled to break relationships up, but these disputes can always be settled with mutual consent and dialogue. Affection of old people, love of friends and cousins enjoyed in childhood develop one’s capabilities.

It is very useful as well as helpful in troubleshooting the mistakes of life. and it became easy to opt the right-way. During the phase of problems and complications the feeling of family retreat helps in reaching across and in any event of happiness, existences of relatives make it more joyous and increase the happiness. Strong and weak bounding of family is in control upon the human thinking to which he can change whenever he wants to, but to live away from the family and to stay away from blood-relation is not possible at all. 

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